Posted by proassist on Sep 13, 2021 in | Comments Off on “The Willamette Meteorite”
6:45 pm - 8:45 pm
The Longest Journey is a chronicle of the Willamette Meteorite. We know where it was found and that it was deposited by a Missoula Flood. However, it’s journey started in space. Come learn it’s history – it’s nominal history started in an ice rafted-berg during a Missoula flood event. It ended in the waters backed up into the Willamette Valley by the constriction of the Columbia River waters near Kalama, WA.
The complete story unfolds in the fall of 1902, when a Welch farmer happened upon one odd rock perched on a slope above the Willamette River. It turned out to be a meteorite, and the slow unfolding of its story revealed links to Northwest mining, museum politics, human nature, and the deep history of the universe. Part of its appeal rests in the slow realization that the meteorite is also an ice-rafted erratic that was probably washed downstream through Glacial Lake Missoula by an Ice Age flood.
Our lecturer is Jack Nisbet: He is a Spokane-based writer and the author of several collections of essays that explore the human and natural history of the Northwest, including Ancient Places, which contains a version of the meteorite story. Nisbet has also written award-winning biographies of cartographer David Thompson (Sources of the River), naturalist David Douglas (The Collector), and John and Carrie Leiberg (The Dreamer and the Doctor).