Posted by Jack Nisbet on Aug 7, 2017 in | Comments Off on A Possible Friend: William Morley Manning and Families of Chief Joseph, William Three Mountains, and Masseslow
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Colville Public Library
William Manning worked as a regional mining consultant and surveyor in Stevens County between 1900-1910. During that time he developed relationships with the Chief Joseph family on the Colville Reservation; William and Mattie Three Mountains of the Spokane; and the Kalispel headman Masseslow. A wide variety of cultural artifacts that Manning purchased from these families not only formed the original collection Spokane’s Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, but also reveal an epic tale of resourcefulness, artistic craftsmanship, and survival against long odds. This colorful slide show reveals a world much larger than Manning ever imagined.
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